931 research outputs found

    STV-based Video Feature Processing for Action Recognition

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    In comparison to still image-based processes, video features can provide rich and intuitive information about dynamic events occurred over a period of time, such as human actions, crowd behaviours, and other subject pattern changes. Although substantial progresses have been made in the last decade on image processing and seen its successful applications in face matching and object recognition, video-based event detection still remains one of the most difficult challenges in computer vision research due to its complex continuous or discrete input signals, arbitrary dynamic feature definitions, and the often ambiguous analytical methods. In this paper, a Spatio-Temporal Volume (STV) and region intersection (RI) based 3D shape-matching method has been proposed to facilitate the definition and recognition of human actions recorded in videos. The distinctive characteristics and the performance gain of the devised approach stemmed from a coefficient factor-boosted 3D region intersection and matching mechanism developed in this research. This paper also reported the investigation into techniques for efficient STV data filtering to reduce the amount of voxels (volumetric-pixels) that need to be processed in each operational cycle in the implemented system. The encouraging features and improvements on the operational performance registered in the experiments have been discussed at the end

    Fast human detection for video event recognition

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    Human body detection, which has become a research hotspot during the last two years, can be used in many video content analysis applications. This paper investigates a fast human detection method for volume based video event detection. Compared with other object detection systems, human body detection brings more challenge due to threshold problems coming from a wide range of dynamic properties. Motivated by approaches successfully introduced in facial recognition applications, it adapts and adopts feature extraction and machine learning mechanism to classify certain areas from video frames. This method starts from the extraction of Haar-like features from large numbers of sample images for well-regulated feature distribution and is followed by AdaBoost learning and detection algorithm for pattern classification. Experiment on the classifier proves the Haar-like feature based machine learning mechanism can provide a fast and steady result for human body detection and can be further applied to reduce negative aspects in human modelling and analysis for volume based event detection

    Maximum entropy distributions of dark matter in Ξ›\LambdaCDM cosmology

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    Small-scale challenges to Ξ›\LambdaCDM cosmology require a deeper understanding of dark matter physics.This paper aims to develop maximum entropy distributions for dark matter particle velocity (denoted by XX), speed (denoted by ZZ), and energy (denoted by EE) that are especially relevant on small scales where system approaches full virialization. For systems involving long-range interactions, a spectrum of halos of different sizes is required to form to maximize system entropy. While velocity in halos can be Gaussian, the velocity distribution throughout entire system, involving all halos of different sizes, is non-Gaussian. With the virial theorem for mechanical equilibrium, we applied maximum entropy principle to the statistical equilibrium of entire system, such that maximum entropy distribution of velocity (the XX distribution) could be analytically derived. The halo mass function was not required in this formulation, but it did indeed result from the maximum entropy. The predicted XX distribution involves a shape parameter Ξ±\alpha and a velocity scale, v0v_0. The shape parameter Ξ±\alpha reflects the nature of force (Ξ±β†’0\alpha\rightarrow0 for long-range force or Ξ±β†’βˆž\alpha\rightarrow\infty for short-range force). Therefore, the distribution approaches Laplacian with Ξ±β†’0\alpha\rightarrow0 and Gaussian with Ξ±β†’βˆž\alpha\rightarrow\infty. For an intermediate value of Ξ±\alpha, the distribution naturally exhibits a Gaussian core for vβ‰ͺv0v\ll v_0 and exponential wings for v≫v0v\gg v_0, as confirmed by N-body simulations. From this distribution, the mean particle energy of all dark matter particles with a given speed, vv, follows a parabolic scaling for low speeds (∝v2\propto v^2 for vβ‰ͺv0v\ll v_0 in halo core region, i.e., "Newtonian") and a linear scaling for high speeds (∝v\propto v for v≫v0v\gg v_0 in halo outskirt, i.e., exhibiting "non-Newtonian" behavior in MOND due to long-range gravity).Comment: Published version, 8 pages, 7 figure

    Cold dark matter particle mass and properties and axion-like dark radiation in Ξ›\LambdaCDM cosmology

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    A theory is presented for the mass, size, lifetime, and other properties of cold dark matter particles within the Ξ›\LambdaCDM cosmology. Using Illustris simulations, we demonstrate the mass and energy cascade in self-gravitating collisionless dark matter that facilitates the hierarchical structure formation of dark matter haloes. A scale-independent rate of energy cascade Ξ΅uβ‰ˆ10βˆ’7m2/s3\varepsilon_u \approx 10^{-7}m^2/s^3 can be identified. Energy cascade leads to universal scaling laws on relevant scales rr, i.e. a two-thirds law for kinetic energy (vr2∝Ρu2/3r2/3v_r^2\propto \varepsilon_u^{2/3}r^{2/3}) and a four-thirds law for halo density (ρr∝Ρu2/3Gβˆ’1rβˆ’4/3\rho_r\propto\varepsilon_u^{2/3}G^{-1}r^{-4/3}), where GG is the gravitational constant. Both scaling laws can be confirmed by simulations and galaxy rotation curves. For cold and collisionless dark matter interacting via gravity only and because of the scale independence of Ξ΅u\varepsilon_u, these scaling laws can be extended down to the smallest scale where quantum effect is important. Combined with the uncertainty principle and virial theorem on that scale, we estimate a mass mX=(Ξ΅uℏ5Gβˆ’4)1/9=1012m_X=(\varepsilon_u\hbar^5G^{-4})^{1/9}=10^{12}GeV, size lX=(Ξ΅uβˆ’1ℏG)1/3=10βˆ’13l_X=(\varepsilon_u^{-1}\hbar G)^{1/3}=10^{-13}m, and lifetime Ο„X=c2/Ξ΅u=1016\tau_X=c^2/\varepsilon_u=10^{16}years for cold dark matter particles. Here ℏ\hbar is Planck constant, and cc is the speed of light. The energy scale EX=(Ξ΅u5ℏ7Gβˆ’2)1/9=10βˆ’9E_X=(\varepsilon_u^5\hbar^7G^{-2})^{1/9}=10^{-9}eV strongly suggests a dark radiation to provide a viable mechanism for energy dissipation. The axion-like dark radiation should be produced at an early time tX=(Ξ΅uβˆ’5ℏ2G2)1/9=10βˆ’6t_X=(\varepsilon_u^{-5}\hbar^2G^2)^{1/9}=10^{-6}s (quark epoch) with a mass of 10βˆ’910^{-9}eV, a GUT scale decay constant 101610^{16}GeV, an axion-photon coupling constant 10βˆ’1810^{-18}GeVβˆ’1^{-1}, and energy density 1%\% of the photon energy in CMB. Potential extension to self-interacting dark matter is also presented.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    The baryonic-to-halo mass relation from mass and energy cascade in self-gravitating collisionless dark matter flow

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    The relation between properties of galaxies and dark matter halos they reside in can be valuable for structure formation and evolution. This paper focus on the baryonic-to-halo mass ratio (BHMR) and its evolution. We first review unique properties of self-gravitating collisionless dark matter flow (SG-CFD), followed by their application to derive BHMR. To maximize system entropy, the long-range interaction requires a broad size of halos to be formed. These halos facilitate inverse mass and energy cascade from small to large scales with a constant rate of energy cascade Ξ΅u\varepsilon_u. In addition, dark matter flow exhibits scale-dependent flow behaviors that is incompressible on small scale and irrotational on large scale. With these properties and considering a given halo with a total baryonic mass mbm_b, halo mass mhm_h, halo virial size rhr_h, and flat rotation speed vfv_f, BHMR can be analytically derived by combining the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation and constant Ξ΅u\varepsilon_u in small and large halos. A maximum BHMR ratio ~0.076 is found for halos with a critical mass mhc∼1012MβŠ™m_{hc}\sim 10^{12}M_{\odot} at z=0. That ratio is much lower for both smaller and larger halos such that two regimes can be identified: i) for incompressible small halos with mass mh<mhcm_h<m_{hc}, we have Ξ΅u∝vf/rh\varepsilon_u\propto v_f/r_h, vf∝rhv_f\propto r_h, and mb∝mh4/3m_b\propto m_h^{4/3}; ii) for large halos with mass mh>mhcm_h>m_{hc}, we have Ξ΅u∝vf3/rh\varepsilon_u\propto v_f^3/r_h, vf∝rh1/3v_f\propto r_h^{1/3}, and mb∝mh4/9m_b\propto m_h^{4/9}. Combined with double-Ξ»\lambda halo mass function, the average BHMR ratio in all halos (~0.024 at z=0) can be analytically derived, along with its redshift evolution. The fraction of total baryons in all galaxies is ~7.6% at z=0 and increases with time ∝t1/3\propto t^{1/3}. The SPARC (Spitzer Photometry \& Accurate Rotation Curves) data with 175 late-type galaxies were used for derivation and comparison.Comment: Reformatted with data source provided, 10 pages, 12 figure
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